Thursday, August 6, 2015

Citizens United

Citizens United

Citizens United's stated mission is to restore the United States government

American Rights

Freedom of Speech:

Are we free to say what we want and when we want it? I say YES! Our first Amendment guarantees it and our founding fathers fought to make sure we have it. So the next time you have something to say...say it because a lot of people died to make sure we the people today have that basic human right. Today we don't give it a second thought, but some people out there can't speak against or for their government. They can't form peaceful rallies because their government has taken basic human rights such as freedom of speech. People can't speak out against unfair and unjust regimes. We live in a country (U.S.) that many have tried to emulate because our system works. It's not perfect but it works so enjoy what others can't fathom saying, like John Boehner needs to take it easy on the tanning booth. See I can say that, but someone else in another country would probably loose their freedom for mocking a politician. Be responsible, safe and enjoy your American rights.

The rights you do not have

As American citizens, we have become very spoiled. We tend to take the rights for granted assuming that the rest of the world recognize the right of individual. Such thinking could not be further from the truth. In our spoiled bliss, Americans have assumed rights that are neither mentioned anywhere in our founding or could not be intelligently justified to even exist.

First, a quick background into the history of our own nation is in order. In the 18th century, a change in thinking known as "the Enlightenment" occurred. The concepts that came out of the Enlightenment were applied in the founding of the United States of America. In establishing the United States, the founding fathers determined that it was essential to lay out a Bill of Rights. The most common misconception today is that the Bill of Rights grants us our rights. Instead, it is a bill that protects what the founders knew to be unalienable rights that could not justifiably be denied any person.

In the modern era, there has arisen a new and disturbing trend of assuming rights that not only are not covered by the Bill of Rights, they simply do not make any sense when critical thought is applied. The following are some of the most common grievances which hold no weight.

The Right to be Heard:
This common complaint is usually voiced by someone with a fairly inflated ego, particularly celebrities and musicians. You have the right to voice your opinion, however nobody is obligated to listen. If a musician chooses to use a concert as a political sounding board rather than perform the music fans had anticipated, it should come as no surprise when fans walk out. If fans have spent money to hear music performed but instead are lectured on some political stance, they have every right to be upset. This is where the fans will use their freedom of speech to make it known that they are not pleased.

The Right to not be Offended:
In recent years, this one has reared its ugly head in pop culture and on college campuses. This "right" completely contradicts the Freedom of Speech. To truly be allowed the free expression of ideas, it is highly likely that someone may take offense. There is more to be gained by the thoughtful debate of ideas than there is through the suppression of those ideas. Rather than trying to shut down an opinion that contradicts our own, those opinions should be engaged in vigorous (albeit civil) debate in public. This allows citizens the opportunity to formulate their own opinions based on the views expressed in such public debate. Offensive and ignorant opinions may find small followings but the public, by and large will disregard such feeble thinking. One example would be that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. brought his views into public debate, which challenged the status quo. While originally opposed in some quarters, the overwhelming majority of the public found his views inspirational and enlightening which ultimately helped to alter the public's opinions on race. Imagine if, instead, Dr. King had been silenced because his opinion was offensive.

The Right to Have our Life Choices Accepted by Others:
This is difficult to argue as everyone does have the right to live their life as they see fit so long as it is within societal limits and does not infringe on another individuals rights. By societal limits, we can agree that abuse of women, children, or animals because of a religious or cultural practice is unacceptable. Nor does one have the right to engage in illegal activity based on personal or religious beliefs. Outside of these examples, we are free to live our lives as we see fit. However, if a person finds your lifestyle offensive or inconsistent with their own beliefs, they are under no obligation to show support from such practices. Nor should they face persecution for expressing their views just as they have no right to persecute you for living your life according to your own values.

The Right to Free Education, Health Care, Housing, Employment, etc...:
One the surface, it would seem that each of these are good ideas. Who would not agree that everyone deserves and education, health care, and a house? However, to make this argument is to ignore the fact that for someone to have a right to such things, someone else is required to provide them. For a government to provide you with something, it must take something from someone else. Ultimately, by insisting that these are rights is to insist that someone is obligated to provide these things to you regardless of compensation for time or material. What can be defended here is the opportunity to get the education which you desire, the health care you need, and a house of your own. It is essential that you do what is needed to receive these things. What gets lost in this debate is the effect that government has on education, health care, housing, and employment. Government subsidies often encourage waste while taxes and regulations drive costs up.

Ultimately, it must be remembered that your rights end where another persons rights begin. Our nation is founded on the concept of Negative Freedoms which limits what the powers the government has. To make the argument that the government must provide for you or keep another person from enjoying their freedoms, we are dismantling the essence of what a free nation is.

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is an unplanned pregnancy in females under the age of 20 mostly that's when the pregnancy in teenagers ends. Teen pregnancy in the united states has increased rapidly since 2013. Statistics shows that there were 26.5 births for every 1000 adolescents female from the ages of 15- to 19. My question is what causes these unplanned pregnancies in teens? Is it that they are not educated enough on the problems they will be facing if they get pregnant at a young age and also can it be prevented?

I think every parent or an adult should educate the young ones on how teenage pregnancy can affect their lives. We can not follow each and every child to make sure she is not sleeping around but we can at least advice them to use contraceptives and have one partner, because aside teenage pregnancy there are other sexually transmitted diseases that can ruin their lives. . The picture above depicts a lot about unplanned pregnancy she is 15 and pregnant, will she be able to take care of this child at this age?

In 2009 the FDA approved over the counter contraceptives sale of plan B one step for all women of child bearing age. the secretary disagreed with this decision that children under the age of 17 still need a prescription before they can get these drugs. I disagree with that because most teenagers do not want to tell their parents they are having sex, and for them to go to the doctor they will need their parents consent before they get these drugs. Do you think a teenager will want to go through this whole process. I think it should be available for everyone at least 13 and above only if you have the money for it.

Dangers of a Professional Political Class

Corruption! Talk to the average American citizen and it is likely that they will express extreme disfavor in how the nation is being governed. The government is out of touch, and American citizens know it. America's low opinion of our representatives is shown in the approval ratings of Congress and the President taken by Real Clear Politics. The most disturbing is there polling that shows the majority of Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction. Yet, when we look at the names of our elected representation and how long they have occupied their positions, we find that the government that President Lincoln spoke of has slipped into history. The government "of the people, by the people, for the people" has been replaced by a professional political class. Holding office is no longer an obligation to serve the people but a career, complete with benefits.

Dr. Thomas Sowell, a senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institute writes that the answer to this problem is Term Limits for Congress. By forcing members of Congress to return to the economy and job market that they have affected, it is more likely that they will represent the best interests of the people. This would also mitigate the effects of money in Washington D. C. by cutting into the cycle of favoritism and contracts in exchange for re-election campaign funds. Term Limits provides the most effective solution to corruption in Congress.

Further removing themselves from the people, Congress has seen fit to exempt themselves from the very laws they have put in place for the rest of us. One obvious example of this is the Affordable Care Act, which provides members of Congress and their staffers different set of rules from those that the public must abide by. Originally exempted from the law, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R, Iowa) was able to get a provision included which forced Congress and their staffers to enroll under modified rules. There are many other examples (such as insider trading) that, when brought to the attention of American citizens would create outrage.

And yet the members of Congress who remain firmly entrenched in their position can not be expected to surrender their comfortable positions atop Capitol Hill. This is why Article V of the Constitution allows for the states to act. A new movement to hold a Convention of the States in order to pass several amendments to the Constitution. This includes an amendment that would put Term Limits in place for Congress. Controversy surrounds this movement but as Mark Levin, a leading advocate of the movement to hold such a convention, the federal government will not fix itself.
Bullying Laws
This is a matter that I hold close to my heart. My freshman year of high school, I was bullied for most of the school year. The bullying got so bad that I would skip school, take different routes to class and be late, skip lunch period, and hid anyway I possible could. Every day I would think to myself, why is she bullying me, why is she picking with me every chance she gets? In high school, you hear people talking about what’s going on and who it involves. In high school, everybody id trying to fit in with each other and nobody wants to stand up and speak up to say STOP! Finally, somebody did speak up and the same girl who was the bullier friend is the same girl who spoke up and told the bully to stop. Surprisingly, we are now best friends.
Bullying is using strength or force to intimidate somebody. Bullying can lead to many different outcomes; but the strongest one is suicide. After being bullied, I went through a dark path. I never considered suicide, but I wasn’t eaten at home, I didn’t feel like myself, and I couldn’t speak up for myself anyone. Unfortunately, there are no bullying laws in the state of Virginia. Bullying should be considered a crime. Bullying is not a game and is serious. In some cases, bullying can be considered discriminatory harassment which is under federal civil rights.
 According to Stop, bullying hazing or teasing needs to be reported by schools in any way shape or form. My question is bullying should be taking serious, yes, so why aren’t there any laws about it? Why aren’t there any ways to stop this from happening?
 My mom is my best friend. I come to my mom with everything. I tell her when I had a great day in school and when somebody at work really pissed my off. In my personal experience, when I was bullied at felt lower than low. I felt like nobody could understand where I was coming from. I felt like nobody knew how to help.
Today, I am brave and I speak up for what’s right and what’s wrong. I don’t let anybody pick with me or intimidate me to make me feel inferior to them. I give advice to some of my younger friends going through high school and letting them know to not let anybody mess with you on all terms. My advice to young girls and boys is to tell a teacher, a friend, a classmate, your parents. My advice is to tell somebody and to not let the bully consume your life.  

 Legalizing Marijuana
Legalizing of Marijuana is good for some but bad for others.  In my opinion, legalizing of Marijuana should be used for medicinal purposes only.
Why does marijuana need to be legalized? What does legalization of marijuana help? Or does legalization of marijuana show more harm than hurt?
The government has begun the process and marijuana is not legal is 23 states, including the District of Columbia.  Marijuana is used not only for medicinal use; but for recreational use as well. The states that marijuana is legal for recreational use are Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and Alaska. The states that marijuana is legal for medicinal use are California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Maine. Also, Alaska, is the only state where marijuana is legally used for medicinal and recreational uses. This is almost half of the states. Legalizing of Marijuana has spread like an epidemic.
Colorado, is one of the main states were marijuana is frequently used. Colorado is a major state that implement recreational usages since 2001. In Colorado, it is legal for recreational usage. In Colorado there are shops with different flavors of marijuana for people to buy. Should marijuana be legalized for recreational and medicinal uses in all 50 states? In Colorado, there have been an increase in DUI, from about 25 to 40 %. In schools, there has been in increase in drug-related arrests by 32%. These arrests have resulted in suspensions and expulsions. From 2011 to 2013, there were numerous results from drug related incidents.  In 2012, about 27 % of college students admitted to smoking marijuana. Also, in 2013, 57% of emergency room visits were from marijuana.
 According to, in 2009, 376,467 people were involved in marijuana visits to the emergency room. It also states that most of the emergency room visits were of females than of males. The age of marijuana use is between 18 to 20.
In my opinion, I believe marijuana should not be legalizing. What does legalizing marijuana help. It does more help than harm. I believe that it should be used for medicinal purposes only.

Drinking Age: Lowered, Raised, or stayed the same!
By law, you are not eligible to drink until you are 21 years old. Also, when going to the liquor store you must have an eligible license. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention, was great for drinking and driving statistics.  According to the CDC, 30 people die in car crashes involving alcohol almost every day. I have heard that the brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25. In my personally opinion, I feel like the drinking age should be raised to 25; to benefit everybody.
According to American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, teenagers usually get their first drink at 12 years old. At 12 years old, most children are in 7th grade. For parents, there are many warning signs to watch out for. There are physical, emotional, and social problems involving alcohol. The AACAP physical problems involving alcohol are fatigue, health complaints, red and glazed eyes, and a lasting cough.  The emotional problems according to the AACAP, are personality change, irritability, irresponsible behavior, low self-esteem and poor judgement. Some school problems include decreased interest, negative attitude, drop in grades, and discipline problems. All of these problems are alcohol related.
 Most teenagers drink illegally, because of peer pressure, its fun, social media, it’s an escape, and of rebellion. Most if not all don’t realize that they are not only putting themselves at harm; but also the other drivers on the road. Teenagers don’t realize the repercussions of their actions and are unaware that they can be brought upon serious charges.
Drinking and Driving is a very serious crime.  Drinking and Driving can lead to some very serious charges and a DUI. A DUI can leave a person with a suspended or revoked license for up to a certain amount of time. In some states, community service or driving prevention classes can be used instead of serving jail time.
For example, I was watching Beyond Straight and there was a young girl locked up behind bars and the officer putting her in jail every day and night was the same officer telling her to stay out of trouble in high school. This officer looked out for her and wanted her to keep her head out straight. In her story, she said after partying with her friends she drove to the store and got arrested and is not serving up to a year in jail time.

Police Brutality

Police brutality is a serious issue. When the prevailing system of criminal justice fails to give a feeling of security to the people, they seek alternative ways of protecting themselves against crime and criminals. In such an environment; the police may resort to extra-legal methods in the belief that these have been tacitly approved by the public.Common forms of police brutality were repeated kicks or punches by officers using fists, guns and police radios, sometimes while the person was already handcuffed or restrained in another way.  Mostly racial minorities are brutally beaten by the police officers.  

I feel that there are way too many cases on this. Police are abusing their authority. There are many ways to handle situations without somebody losing there life or using unnecessary force. People aren't starting to feel safe anymore when police are approaching.   Some police are using their power to do bad things, and society has come to fear police. The law enforcement system needs change. The courts have failed the police, and the police have turn to other means of justice. We must stop the corruption in the police force. I have respect for the police, and the job they do. Policemen are a selected few who do a dangerous job. Police have done many great things to help improve communities, help people during their off duty hours and stand strong in face of many fears

Como es Study Abroad?

Studying abroad has been a privilege that most students could only dream of experiencing.  Until now it has been an option that few individuals have taken advantage of. There are many factors that go into deciding whether you would be able to study abroad, i.e. cost, time, knowing where you would travel to and if it would be beneficial to you degree or not, whether you would receive credit for your classes or not etc. Most students would rather take up internships or get jobs in the US than “waste” their time and money going to a foreign country to study for one semester.  What they don’t realize is that they receive much more than an overpriced vacation with some college credits to go along with it. 
The experience that you receive when you study abroad is something that you would never be able to experience in your own country.  You can gain new perspectives on things you normally wouldn't have. In fact a lot of colleges are now making it mandatory to study abroad in order to graduate.  An example of this would be George Mason University.  The School of Business at George Mason University recently added two minors to their program (entrepreneurship and international business).  While these programs are minors and not majors, of the 15 credits that are needed it is required that in addition to these credits one must fulfill their Co-curricular Requirement (Mason). While there are options to receive credit that would satisfy co-curricular requirements domestically, the vast majority of the options are through studying abroad.  It shouldn’t be surprising if soon it’ll become mandatory for all students to study abroad in order to receive their degrees.  By studying abroad you will become a much more diverse individual, and become more marketable to grad schools and employers because of the intangible life skills you’re going to pick up along the way.  So ignore all the nay sayers and open your mind to an experience that you will never forget. 

Work Cited
"International Business Minor | George Mason University." International Business Minor | George Mason University. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Aug. 2015.

First Debate of the Season!

Tonight marks the first Republican debate for the upcoming election. 10 of the 16 candidates will battle for nomination tonight in Ohio. With so many qualified and interesting candidates, the debate is sure to be a hit. Among those who will be speaking include Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul. Despite Trump’s unexpected comments and actions within the past few weeks, many GOP primary voters have had a change of heart. Many think that he will run the show tonight, but more will be revealed.
Popular topics that will likely be discussed include immigration, which is a hot subject in the Republican party. Rand Paul will surely have something to say about immigration given his stance on increasing legal immigration, as well as his foreign policy opinions. Although many Americans, 47% of them, support allowing undocumented immigrants a means to citizenship, very few of those are Republicans. More often than not, Republicans feel they should be deported, rather than granted citizenship or legal status. Also a major issue that will be addressed is that of tactics- tactics of dealing with Planned Parenthood, and the Iran deal. And of course, it wouldn’t be a debate if someone didn’t promise to repeal Obamacare.
Are these topics that America really wants to hear about? What about minimum wage, something that plagues many Americans struggling to make ends meet. 70% of Americans agree with minimum wage increases, as well as Democratic candidates, and Obama. Republicans won’t give it the time of day. Or even improving trade strategies to try and reduce the $500 billion trade deficit that belongs to the United States. This could also be beneficial to wage increases. Education and student debt are other subjects that have been controversial in the past, along with fair taxes. Maybe even more pressing is the monumental climate change that is currently underway. The Pentagon has deemed it a threat to national security, a statement with which 62% of Americans agree. Scientists are pressing the issue of global warming with intensity. However, Republicans have felt that addressing the challenge of climate change would mean disaster for the economy.  

Perhaps the debate tonight will just be a fame game. Millions will watch to see what Trump has to say. Maybe he will have the stronger argument. Mike Huckabee has already participated in a presidential debate, and brings his experience to the podium. Jeb Bush has had a rough week, being the receiving end of Hillary Clinton’s punches, but with a famous name will he be the favorite? We will find out tonight.

How Big Brother Helps Out

Food poisoning happens on a regular basis. Food poisoning, or foodborne illness, in its simplest form is illness caused by eating food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Contamination can occur during any portion of food production and processing, or even at home by handling and cooking food incorrectly. Usually an illness caused by contaminated food will resolve itself after a short time, but in some instances the outcome can be deadly. Every year 48 million people will suffer from some form of food poisoning. 128,000 will be hospitalized as a result of their sickness, and 3,000 will die from it. Food poisoning costs almost $15 billion each year, which includes cost of medical care and missed time from work. The most common foodborne illness pathogens are Salmonella, Norovirus, Campylobacter, and E.coli just to name a few. Salmonella and Toxoplasma gondii are the most deadly forms for foodborne illness, and are also very easy to contract.
For the most part, food poisoning can be avoided by cooking, cleaning, and storing food properly. It is important to keep raw foods separate to avoid cross-contamination. Likewise, it is equally important to cook meats and poultry to the recommended temperatures to kill any bacteria that might be in it. Proper refrigeration of foods is necessary to make sure they don’t linger in the danger zone”. This is important during these hot summer months when food, like deviled eggs and potato salad, sit around outside all day. Many cases of Salmonella occur this way. But what happens when these contaminations occur on a much larger scale, like in a food processing facility?
For example, around 2008-2009 there was a major Salmonella outbreak linked to peanut butter. 700 people were sickened from this contamination, and 9 people died. This outbreak was linked to a peanut butter plant in Georgia, where two workers at the plant lied about the quality of their peanut butter. These two men claimed that the peanut butter was safe, without disclosing whether it had been tested for pathogens and if those tests came back positive. As a result, hundreds of people were sickened as their food safety was compromised. Luckily, we have government agencies that deal with major outbreaks like this one.

When the CDC receives information regarding a foodborne illness outbreak, its first task is to link cases of similar outbreaks from different areas of the country. They do this using various tools including FoodNet, which helps public health officials gain information about the cause and spread of foodborne illness. Another helpful tool is PulseNet, which uses DNA fingerprinting to link foodborne illness pathogens from different outbreaks. The FDA then gets involved, and issues recalls on contaminated items. The FDA also tries to find out how the contamination happened, and takes action to modify processing of foods to prevent future contaminations. The FDA developed a group called CORE (coordinated outbreak response and evaluation) to manage response to an outbreak, and monitor post-response activities related to the outbreak. In addition to handling responses, the government also regulates and inspects food production facilities to ensure that they are following guidelines for making quality food. The government may not be able to control poor employee attitudes, but it can help to keep our food safe.


In my opinion, the decision to have an abortion should be any women's right to choose.  Regardless of the circumstances.  Whether the pregnancy is the result of a rape, incest, or an unplanned pregnancy. No one should be in a position to decide or make that choice for a woman especially politicians.  In some cases, babies have been killed by the mother,  or abandoned , especially underage girls, due to the fear of enduring the responsibility of motherhood, their parents or the babies father.  Other factors could be financial or medical.  When and if a woman does decide to abort a child, she has to live with that decision for the rest of her life, that in itself is punishment enough. 
 Abortion is a woman's right that should not be limited by governmental or religious authority, and which outweighs any right claimed for an embryo or fetus. They say that pregnant women will resort to unsafe illegal abortions if there is no legal option.
About 11 million immigrants live in the United States. Immigrants come to the United States for better opportunities. They leave their families back home so they can come here to work and provide for them. Because they are not a citizen they do not get jobs that can actually provide enough. They work long hours just to provide for their families. There are some immigrants that have filed for citizenship, but have paid tons of money and waited so long for a response back. The US News reported that there are signs hope for immigrants. Our president has tried to help the immigration by passing the Dream Act. What is the Dream Act? The Dream Act helps kids who are immigrants go to college.  Why does the United States discriminate immigrants so much?

Donald Trump has said some disturbing comments about immigrants. The Washington Post reported on Trumps speech about immigrants. Saying really disrespectful comments. But why dies he dislike immigrants so much? He referred them to as rapist. Like I said before some immigrants come to the United States for a better place. There are some who come here and do terrible things. But why do the ones who work have to struggle the most?

Lower the Drinking Age

Our current policy attempts to prevent underage drinking by criminalizing youth who consume alcohol before they are 21 years old. This is the highest drinking age that exists among all countries in the world.Yet today, alcohol is “fairly easy” or “very easy” to obtain. I feel that the age should be lowered to at least 18 years old. If you are considered an adult at the age of 18 then you should be able to drink. Also your allowed to join the military and go to war at the age of 18 so why aren't you able to drink. Not allowing to drink only made teens adapt and now there are more things out there to drink besides alcohol. For example ''Lean" , Lean does not contain ANY form of alcohol, crushed pills, or other liquids in general. It is Promethazine with Codeine mixed with soda usually Original Sprite Soda and Jolly rancher candy. These mixes are uses differently due to the users desire. Lean is mainly responsible for the euphoric feeling after drinking lean. Promethazine causes motor skill impairment, lethargy, extreme drowsiness, as well as a dis associative feeling from all other parts of the body, specifically the stomach and digestive system. 

>Young adults in college won't get in trouble with the law

>Lowering the age will cut down on young adults drinking

>If you can fight for your country in Iraq, why can't you have a beer?

>they drink anyway why not let them do it legally

>you can vote at 18 why cant you drink?

>If you can drive a lethal weapon (motorized vehicle) why cant you drink?

>The min drinking age in Canada is generally 19 and 18 in Quebec

>19 out of 50 U.S states have not specified that 21 is the min drinking age

Underage drinking?

Underage drinking has become an enormous choice of discussion. In the United States you are considered an adult at 18. However, you are not allowed to drink until you reach the age 21. Turning 18 gives you the right and responsibilities of adulthood. This includes the right to vote, smoke cigarettes, serve on juries, get married, sign contracts, be prosecuted as adults, and join the military - which includes risking one's life. This is crazy to me because if you are an adult and can do all of these things then why can’t you be able to make the decision to drink responsible.

Allowing 18- to 20-year-olds to drink alcohol in regulated environments with supervision would decrease unsafe drinking activity. Stopping this age group from drinking in bars, restaurants, and other licensed locations causes them to drink in unsupervised places such as house parties where they are more likely to binge drinking and other unsafe behavior.

Lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18 would diminish the thrill of breaking the law to get a drink. Normalizing alcohol consumption as something done responsibly in moderation will make drinking alcohol less of a taboo for young adults entering college and the workforce.

Stopping the consumption of alcohol at a younger age make the youth disregard other laws. This in term encourages young adults to acquire and use false identification documents to consume alcohol. In this era of national security concerns, including terrorism, illegal immigration, and other threats, it would be better to have fewer fake IDs in circulation and more respect for the law.
Lowering the drinking levels would be good for the economy. More people would legally be able to drink in bars, restaurants, and other licensed establishments. Revenue would increase for private business owners, and greater amounts of tax revenue would be collected by the government. Over all it makes more sense to lower the drinking age to 18.

Our Responsibility to the Government...

Pictures are from google.
The criticism of government is probably as old any government itself. Some say the government is too involved, while others say the government can do more. Regardless of which side you are fencing government is an enormous asset to our civil rights. No government can function without the help of the citizens. There are a couple of essential responsibilities as a citizen in the United States of America to the government.
  1. The first one would be to vote! Voting may be a right many people in the past have fought so hard to receive but it is also a responsibility. This is because ithelps keep our country under the control of the people in this country. This is a way to stop corruption and not to have everything in the hands of our politicians.
  1. The second is staying informed. Ignorance of what is going on is never an excuse. You should know who is representing you. You should know what they are being elected for and what their views are. You should also know what’s going on not only in this country but the other counties that effect America. This way you know why things are happening from laws that are being mandated to wars in which we are fighting.
  1. Thirdly, a citizen must obey the law. These laws were made to protect everyone as equals. Without following them there would be chaos. You should also know about your rights. This will protect you if you ever have a run in with the law. It will make it so no one can take advantage of you and you know what any person in authority has the right to do.
  1. The fourth one arguably the most crucial one. You have to pay your taxes. It doesn’t sound like the most ideal of the four because for obvious reasons you want keep your money but taxes help out not only but your country in so many different ways. We need to educate our children and in order to do so we need adequate federal funding which is provided through our taxes. We also need public facilities like libraries or community centers. Taxes also go as far as fixing pot holes on the streets that we drive, to helping out the elderly who can no longer take care of themselves.
Overall we are the government. Without any citizens, there would be no government. So it is our responsibility to contribute and build up our nation as a whole.