Thursday, August 6, 2015

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is an unplanned pregnancy in females under the age of 20 mostly that's when the pregnancy in teenagers ends. Teen pregnancy in the united states has increased rapidly since 2013. Statistics shows that there were 26.5 births for every 1000 adolescents female from the ages of 15- to 19. My question is what causes these unplanned pregnancies in teens? Is it that they are not educated enough on the problems they will be facing if they get pregnant at a young age and also can it be prevented?

I think every parent or an adult should educate the young ones on how teenage pregnancy can affect their lives. We can not follow each and every child to make sure she is not sleeping around but we can at least advice them to use contraceptives and have one partner, because aside teenage pregnancy there are other sexually transmitted diseases that can ruin their lives. . The picture above depicts a lot about unplanned pregnancy she is 15 and pregnant, will she be able to take care of this child at this age?

In 2009 the FDA approved over the counter contraceptives sale of plan B one step for all women of child bearing age. the secretary disagreed with this decision that children under the age of 17 still need a prescription before they can get these drugs. I disagree with that because most teenagers do not want to tell their parents they are having sex, and for them to go to the doctor they will need their parents consent before they get these drugs. Do you think a teenager will want to go through this whole process. I think it should be available for everyone at least 13 and above only if you have the money for it.

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