Thursday, August 6, 2015

Herritage or Hate?

After the numerous outcries for the removal of the Confederate flag, I was very thankful and proud when our government officials came to the decision to lower the flag from the grounds of the South Carolina State Capital grounds. 

After the huge debate surrounding the removal of the Confederate Flag in South Carolina, I have seen more Confederate Flags here in the Woodbridge area, than ever before. When I see these flags, I don’t get scared, but I feel more so angry. Although I am a bi-racial individual with a white father, I still associate the Confederate Flag with hate, disrespect and inhumanity, and not part of my heritage.

Too many people remind us that the Confederate Flag honors those who fought during the Civil War. But, lets be clear, what was the basis of the Civil War? Hmmm… To most, upholding slavery should not be seen as a victory, especially in the eyes of the African American community. Today, lives are still be taken because of an artifact that is synonymous with hatred.  Celebrating heritage should not hurt any group nor individual.

I personally feel that the Confederate Flag should not be flown anywhere, however, I recognize that the government is unable to regulate that. But, what they can regulate is the removal of it on any government grounds, which represents all people. People should never have to feel threatened or “less than” when they walk around a public place… especially a place like the state capital grounds! I wonder if the Charleston 9 victims could see Dylan Roof’s  pictures as he poses with his “heritage symbol" as pride or hate. Displaying ones pride should never make anyone feel inadequate. 


  1. Good post. Ive always know this flag for hate it opened my eyes that it actually had another meaning but personally i think the flag should be taken down also

  2. Good post. Ive always know this flag for hate it opened my eyes that it actually had another meaning but personally i think the flag should be taken down also
