Immigration issues
Recently the government decided to help immigrants by
passing an immigration reform act to help them.
If I am not mistaken, the law will help undocumented immigrants who have
lived in the U. for over five years and are parents to U.S citizens. My
argument is why should there be a restriction attached to it or why should it
be for only illegal immigrants who are parents to U.S citizens. What about
those that were brought here by their parents when they were little. I see a
lot of illegal children that after high school find it difficult to go to
college since the college requires a lot of documentation to get in and even if
you are able to get in, tuition is paid out of pocket. How many people in
America pays tuition out of pocket? It’s certainly the high class.
I think the government should pay more attention to these
issues as to how they will grant illegal children with some kind of financial
aid or maybe loans and also provide them with some kind documentation for jobs
after schools so that they can pay back the loans.
I think that the government was right by passing a reform law to help immigrants. I don't believe people should be punished by trying to get a better life, their life is already hard by having to live on edge by hiding from immigration officials! As long as these illegal immigrants are paying taxes and abiding by the laws, I don't have a problem with them here!