Thursday, August 6, 2015

Bullying Laws
This is a matter that I hold close to my heart. My freshman year of high school, I was bullied for most of the school year. The bullying got so bad that I would skip school, take different routes to class and be late, skip lunch period, and hid anyway I possible could. Every day I would think to myself, why is she bullying me, why is she picking with me every chance she gets? In high school, you hear people talking about what’s going on and who it involves. In high school, everybody id trying to fit in with each other and nobody wants to stand up and speak up to say STOP! Finally, somebody did speak up and the same girl who was the bullier friend is the same girl who spoke up and told the bully to stop. Surprisingly, we are now best friends.
Bullying is using strength or force to intimidate somebody. Bullying can lead to many different outcomes; but the strongest one is suicide. After being bullied, I went through a dark path. I never considered suicide, but I wasn’t eaten at home, I didn’t feel like myself, and I couldn’t speak up for myself anyone. Unfortunately, there are no bullying laws in the state of Virginia. Bullying should be considered a crime. Bullying is not a game and is serious. In some cases, bullying can be considered discriminatory harassment which is under federal civil rights.
 According to Stop, bullying hazing or teasing needs to be reported by schools in any way shape or form. My question is bullying should be taking serious, yes, so why aren’t there any laws about it? Why aren’t there any ways to stop this from happening?
 My mom is my best friend. I come to my mom with everything. I tell her when I had a great day in school and when somebody at work really pissed my off. In my personal experience, when I was bullied at felt lower than low. I felt like nobody could understand where I was coming from. I felt like nobody knew how to help.
Today, I am brave and I speak up for what’s right and what’s wrong. I don’t let anybody pick with me or intimidate me to make me feel inferior to them. I give advice to some of my younger friends going through high school and letting them know to not let anybody mess with you on all terms. My advice to young girls and boys is to tell a teacher, a friend, a classmate, your parents. My advice is to tell somebody and to not let the bully consume your life.  

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