Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cook Up Your Chili Dogs and Wings and Let The Donald Begin

Thursday, August 6, The 2016 Republican presidential debate will air. Donald Trump, being Donald Trump, had obviously secured his spot in this debate. Whether a person stands behind Trump or is apposed to Trump, I doubt anyone remotely interested in Americas future would willingly miss this upcoming televised debate. The question that is surely on every persons mind is, "Will Trump win addition voters or will he lose voters?" Columnist and political advisor Dan Senor explained Trump best when he said, "This is a guy who's saying some outrageous, but not inaccurate, things many people feel." (

In May of this year, according to a Washington Post-ABC News Poll, only twenty-three percent of GOP voters had a positive opinion of The Donald while sixty-five percent had a negative outlook on him. On the Republican side, only eleven percent were in favor of Trump; conversely, forty-three percent were greatly apposed ( So how exactly is Trump now a forerunner for the 2016 Presidential election? Perhaps it's his willingness not to skirt hard issues.

Trump has been in the headlines more than once in regards to companies that he had owned going bankrupt. Although he was born into money, he grew his fortune. Trump flaunts that he is a multi billionaire and one would assume that it would turn people away from his platform; it doesn't. People see him as a guy that made it big; the average Joe that hit the lottery. Though this average Joe did it in the world of business and for that Trump gets a pass for being rich because who can run a country better than a smart business man! Go on with your bad self Mr. Trump. We will all be glued to our seats come Thursday. Heck, we might even cook up some wings and chili dogs for the event.

1 comment:

  1. Your totally right! Donald Trump does get a "free card" because he has money! Although I think he would do a good job running the country and bringing many Americans back to work, because he knows how to run a business successfully. However, he needs to calm it with his comments! Many argued because he talked about certain government officials however, where were they when he bad mouthed our President now!?
