Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Iran Nuclear Deal

Most every country in the world liked the Iran Nuclear Deal a lot... But the leader, who lived in North Korea, did not! The leader hated the Deal! He hated the Deal's reason! Now, please don't ask why. Everyone quite knows the reason (http://www.seussville.com/books/book_detail.php?isbn=9780394800790). Not even a Who in Whoville can bring merriment to the sinister force of nuclear weapons. Nuclear power in the wrong hands can not be made less fearsome by gift wrapping it in silver packaging and applying a big, red, velvet bow. Yes Readers, There are nuclear weapons. They exist just as certainly as hatred and greed and communism exists.

While the world is poised awaiting the passage of the Iran Nuclear Deal, North Korea recently related that they had no interest in discussions with the United States concerning North Koreas nuclear disarmament (www.cbsnews.com/news/north-korea-not-interested-in-). Unlike North Koreas ambivalence, Iran has been in long negotiations with the United States and other countries to create a political agreement that could secure the worlds future against nuclear devastation.

While the Iran Nuclear Deal isn't perfect, most countries are verbally praising the agreement. This deal is the beginning of eliminating and containing Iran's current and further growth of nuclear power. The deal benefits Iran by lifting imposed sanctions and infusing Iran's economy with promised funding. Could this ten to fifteen year long proposed political agreement between countries bring a boost to the Iranian way of life?

Perhaps as the scientific expansion, and economic growth within Iran blossoms, they one day could be seen by other countries as an up and coming contemporary. Most Republicans do not forecast such high expectations from Iran. They believe that the chances are very high that Iran will skirt the terms of the deal and stockpile their nuclear power for development of nuclear weapons to be made once the agreement has expired.

No nation has the exact wherewithal to fully determine the future of itself yet alone the future endeavors that any other nation might undertake. The Iran Nuclear Deal has a great many provisions in place to protect all interests as well as provisions that come into play if Iran were to over-step their thresholds. There is great debate over this deal as the Republicans promise to block the Deal from proceeding. However, President Obama has said that he will absolutely pass this Deal.

No matter which side of the political platform we stand on, containing and monitoring the use of nuclear power in countries such as Iran and the still opposing North Korea must certainly be considered a victory. The story book character, the Grinch, found his heart and feasted on roast beast with the people of Whoville. I am hopeful that one day there will likewise be a happy ending to the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Image result for image obama iran north korea

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