Monday, August 3, 2015


With many budget constraints, there have been many cut backs. These budget cuts are unfair because it is the American people who are at a loss. The Army is planning to downsize by cutting 40,000 soldiers. Not only is the Army cutting back the number of soldiers but 17,000 Army civilians will be laid off. By the end of 2017 budget year, the army will have 450,000 soldiers.

*courtesy of USA Today*

These numbers do not show the budget cuts including sequestration. On top of the 40,000, there is another 30,000 soldiers who will be cut. If a national emergency took place would the army have enough force? Brig. Gen. Randy George commented about the cuts and said, "would be significant risk" for the Army and also, "being ready for the unknown." He also stated, “The resulting force would be incapable of simultaneously meeting current deployment requirements and responding to the overseas contingency requirements of the combatant commanders.”
Other federal employees have also been cut back. The Air Force had the second most lost compared to the Army. The Treasury Department lost 13,784 since 2011. Even though there has been many loss, some agency gained employment as in the VA workforce at about 10 percent. Many agencies have suffered because of the budget cuts, not only agencies but the workers who they had to let go of.
IRS has been but by $1.2 billion since 2010. This led the agency to let go of 13,000 employees. These cuts have hurt the customer service for IRS and other companies. Since the number of federal employees have been cut there have not been enough workers in some company to work efficiently.
Some budget cuts are necessary though. According to the Commerce Department, the economy has expanded slower. The work force is growing at a slower pace. Weaker spending is a main reason of the weaker growth that happened in 2013. Government spending was also lower that year. Without necessary funding, there would be no way to pay all employees.

The government has revised gross domestic products because according to The Bureau of Economic Analysis, many of the information was incorrect. The data form GDP (gross domestic products) was flawed. They have adjusted it to include inflation and seasonal federal defense spending.
These cuts are unfair to the people. Congress needs to find a way to help expand the economy for a faster growth.

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