Friday, July 31, 2015

Can’t Pay your Ransom?

The United States has had a policy of not paying ransoms for over a hundred years. A ransom is a sum of money or other payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner. This isn’t to say the government isn’t doing everything they can to get the person back, because they are just by other means. It isn’t until now that President Obama is trying to make an alteration to that policy. This change would entail the people’s private ability to raise funds to pay a ransom. The Government still won't be directly paying only helping facilitate (CBS News), in order to not praise the captor for their bad behavior. What would happen if someone wanted to pay the ransom of a loved one is that the U.S. government would prosecute the person for paying. And, probably put them in jail for funding a terrorist organization.

It would seem like a completely sensible change, however there is a good reason (Economist) it was the way it was. If the United States doesn’t pay up for a ransom, then what’s the purpose for capturing a U.S. citizen in the first place? Exactly there’s no money to be made. This is the logic of the U.S. Government, and it has been quite successful. In comparison to other European countries that pay ransoms, the U.S. has had dramatically less abroad citizens kidnapped or captured. So, the idea that we could pay ransoms could put other Americans at risk.

I think this relates to the classic ethnic scenario (Wikipedia); "There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there is one person on the side track. You have two options: (1) Do nothing, and the trolley kills the five people on the main track. (2) Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the side track where it will kill one person. Which is the correct choice?"

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Legalize Marijuana

Marijuana should be removed from the criminal justice system and regulated in a manner similar to alcohol and tobacco. Legalizing and regulating marijuana will increase the nation's amount of money. under the rule of law, creating jobs and economic opportunities in the formal economy instead of the illicit market. State and local governments would acquire significant new sources of tax revenue from regulating marijuana sales. It would also decrease meaningless arrest, charges and drug wars.

Taking Care of those who have sacrificed So Much

After reading an article about President Obama’s thoughts on how our Vietnam ‘Vets are treated, I began to think about my own grandfather and how he has suffered due to the lack of medical treatment that many of our Vietnam Veterans lack.

 During the Vietnam War, my grandfather served in the United States Navy. After the war was over, he returned home to his wife and daughter and began to start his life over in California. At the start of the war, my grandfather gave up the opportunity to study at Howard University in order to serve his country; however, after the war, his country did little to “serve” him, after he suffered a life-altering injury, his injury which  was never properly treated left him with painful headaches, almost every day, which still affects him today. Years after his return to America, he has had countless trips to numerous doctors and even today, makes routine visits to the VA hospital.  Unfortunately, he still suffers from his injuries, like many veterans who have served with him. The care that my grandfather and many of the other Vietnam Veterans have received is very pale in comparison to the help Veterans serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., benefit from today. Don't get me wrong, these veterans deserve to receive top notch care.  However, Vietnam Vets should not be excluded. 

Veterans who are serving today receive much better follow-up care than those who served in previous wars. Yes, there are programs that are available to the Vietnam Vets, but the information about  these programs are mostly spread word of mouth or found on the internet. Because most Vietnam Vets are elderly, information about these programs are not always easily accessible, leaving many out. Because of this, many of our Vets struggle like my grandfather, physically and emotionally and many even are financially burdened. We live in a rich country; therefore, it breaks my heart to see a homeless Veteran. This is a crime, and should never happen to those who have sacrificed their lives for our country. 

The government also has a duty to the spouses of deceased veterans. We owe this group a great deal.  Not only do soldiers sacrifice their lives, but their spouses make sacrifices, as well. When soldiers pass away, often times spouses are not informed about the benefits they are eligible to receive. Today, Casualty Assistance Officers are assigned to walk the spouses of deceased veterans step-by-step through the entire process, as they prepare to bury their loved one. However, this service did not exist even twenty years ago. Military spouses who have served prior to the Iraq War, must be aware of these benefits, to help ease their financial burden.  We must find creative ways for this important information to reach them! 

Regardless of which war a Veteran has served, the government has a duty to treat and provide all Veterans with the same programs, opportunities and respect. ALL must be treated equally, because they have fought to protect our nation. We often forget that America is land of the FREE because of the brave individuals who have served. Although my Grandfather and many other vets have suffered, they  remind us that they served their country proudly, without regret. As President Obama stated, "America owes them a great debt". 

Citizens Responsibilities

Just as the government has responsibilities towards citizens, the citizens have certain responsibilities to the government.  The most basic of these is paying taxes.  While our system of taxation may not always seem fair to us, or we think our money isn't being put to good use, it is still our responsibility to pay taxes so that public services can continue to work for us.  Another important responsibility we have as citizens is voting.  This is slightly different from paying taxes as there are no real repercussions from choosing not to vote, but is still an important responsibility as citizens.  If all of age citizens register and vote then the candidates being put into office will truly be the best choice for the people.

Got Tolerance?

Picture is from google.

A couple of days ago I went to visit some friends of mine for a small get together. While the majority of the time we keep our conversations light hearted and superficial, that day was different from the norm (and not in a good way). That day the topic of gay marriage arose. Now I am not homosexual by any means, but I understood this was a sensitive subject for a great deal of individuals. Listening to the conversation that had unfolded before me I couldn’t help but be enraged at how closed minded some people could be. The topic about gay adoption came up and it was surprising how many of them felt that gay individuals should not be allowed to adopt in case they “turned kids into being gay” as though gay people had a magical touch that could instantly turn you gay with one touch. They then went on to say that they felt gay marriage should not be allowed in the first place and that they should not teach about transgendered people in grade school because they did not want to see it and they didn’t want their kids to be introduced to that matter either. I have never disliked someone as fast as I did have that one conversation. I understand that everyone has their own opinions but I just was taught growing up that everyone should be treated the same and no matter what.
Merriam Webster defines tolerance as the “willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own.” However being tolerant does not mean agreeing with what everyone else believes. You are entitled to your opinion and I can respect that. Now I understand everyone has different views about gay marriage and being transgender. However, I would like to mention that I completely disagree with people who are against it. I can say I don’t treat ignorant people any different then I treat other people. This is me being tolerant of them so I just don’t understand how an individual cannot be tolerant of something someone cannot control. All anyone can truly ask for is for you to understand how people feel and feel empathy towards them even though you don't agree with their opinion However, if there is a fact to back up a certain point of view, I believe you should enlighten others. For example, humans need to consume food in order to live. Even if I believe we don’t, there are still facts that prove that you will die of malnutrition if you do not eat. It's the same with gay rights. The fact is that you should have the same rights as everyone else no matter what your gender or your gender preference is. If a homosexual wants to get married they should be able to because it is not your right to stop them from their basic civil rights. At one point it time it was illegal to marry a colored individual if you were caucasian. While I tolerate others opinion, I think more people need to be educated and this will set the ignorance free.

Corruption within the government

It is very unfortunate that politicians are highly corrupt. The people cannot be trust them. Some of the government used logical fallacy to deceive the people while contesting for election. You either support George Bush or you support the terrorists.” As a result, they sold their dignity in corruption. Politicians have gone above and beyond to steal money from hardworking citizens such as taxes and funds. It is amazing how they say that some citizens are lazy because they depend on the government for welfare How dare do they use such a false accusation against the hardworking men and women of this great nation. Upon the disgrace the politicians had brought to this country, they have made this nation a laughing stock to other countries.

The citizens are fade up with their dishonesty. They need change from Washington. How long can they put up with the government lies? First, they shut down the government earlier this year which result to loss of jobs. Yet, they still have the audacity to call the citizens lazy. The law abiding citizens had done their jobs very well such as paying of taxes, voting, following the rules and regulations. They need something in return from the government such as using their tax money to build school, create jobs, and build roads. The government should not be greedy by spending the money for things that are not necessary.

The governments look at the citizens right in their eyes and say a bogus lie. They laughed behind their back while the door was shut. For instance, in the 2008 presidential race. Behind closed doors, Mitt Romney called the citizens lazy . This word is used by politicians a lot. They failed to realize that they are the cause of the problem and not the solution. The governments should realized that the citizens are not fools neither are they brainwashed by their sugar coat words.

The citizens can see right through them, for this reason, they have decided to persecute all the governments who are corrupt. The people know that the politicians are highly corrupted without a reasonable doubt. The governments who were corrupt while in office are Kwame Kilpatrick, Bob McDonnell, Chris Christie, Malcom Smith and so many others.  Mayor Kwame was sentenced to 28 year in prison for bribery, extortion, and mail fraud while in office. McDonnell was sentenced to two year in federal prison for  bribery . Malcom Smith was sentenced to 7 year in prison for trying to buy his way onto the ballot in a crooked bid. The last but not the least Chris Christie who used the huge money from Exxon to complete budget gaps instead for environmental cleanup during hurricane, Sandy.

The Most Corrupt Politicians In America
The federal law should throw the book towards corrupt politicians and throw the keys away. Enough of this nonchalant behavior.  What are they teaching the future generation before them? They are  forfeit and disgrace to their country. This is not what America represent, so they should be ashamed of themselves. The forefathers of this great nation once said, "united we stand, divided we fall." If corruption among politicians continues, it is going to lead to a divide nation. Now is the time to fight corruption before something inevitable occur.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Our Civic Duty to the Government

Volunteer or be Drafted
  If you are born into power and privilege should you take the long walk into the recruiting station to enlist in the military service when you turn the rightful age of 18 years old?
  Throughout the years the poor and disenfranchised have been the ones fighting the nations battles when duty called.  Through my travels around the world serving in our nation great military in the past (1980-2004s), I noticed that many nations asked and require their young adults to serve those nation in some type of civic capacity, whether it be Military or social service. Italy had a compulsory military service rule as recently as 2004 (War. Wire). Although there was some special treatment in who did what services and if they did go to the military some families and certain class of people drew the better military occupations.  Nevertheless, everybody served at least one year.   

Coutesy of 
"Italy Ends Compulsory Military Service." Italy Ends Compulsory Military Service. War.wire, 29 July 2004. Web. 28 July 2015.                         

Citizens of the United States have several responsibilities. From paying taxes, to voting, jury duty, and being an informed. The first one that every citizen dislikes doing is paying taxes. The amount of taxes that some citizens pay is very surprising. The majority of citizens are not happy with doing their taxes every year. Every 4 years citizens vote for a president. Not every citizen votes in which case do not mind because that is their decision. In the end they should not complain about who becomes president if they did not vote. Every vote counts and your vote may be that one difference. Every citizen has to do jury duty once in their life time. Some of the people I have met are not happy when they have to do jury duty. Me personally, I would not mind doing jury duty. Being an informed citizen in my opinion is important. As a citizen I think you should know what is going on with your government.
In 1961, President Kennedy commanded Americans to, "Ask not what your country can do for you; but, what YOU can do for your country". As an American, I owe much to my beloved country. Americans view their responsibility of Patriotism in a variety of ways.  As I approach my 18th birthday, which will be a national election year, I see many ways in which I can exercise my responsibility as a citizen.  The most crucial is that of taking part in the voting process.  Since I have worked as a part-time employee since the age of fourteen, I have paid into the tax system and see it as a responsibility of Americans. Finally, as a member of this country, respecting those in offices and honoring the constitution is equally important. 

Why Vote?

As a minority citizen, who’s part of the millennium generation, I feel that voting is a MUST!  As soon as I turn 18, I will register to vote.  This is very important to me because I descend from people who just 50 years ago, were oppressed, and voting amongst other rights, was something that they fought for tirelessly and sacrificially. As a youngster, prior to the first election of President Barack Obama, I did not fully understand nor appreciate the power of voting.  Fast-forward almost a decade later; as I watch and listen to crazy thoughts and ideas of many candidates for the 2016 election, I have learned that voting is not only a right, but also a responsibility. It is a task that MUST be done by ALL citizens who meet the minimum age requirement. We have the power to control WHO lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and is put in power to do what is best for OUR country. However, it is important to not just vote in national elections, but also local elections which rarely bring people to the polls.

 When Americans do not vote, they are failing our country and should not have the right to complain.  Although we are many times let down by our government officials, because often, they do not “walk -the-talk”, by the time they land into the office for which they are elected.  However, we owe our government our vote which in-turn will help hold them accountable to make our country better.  

Many people, especially poorer minorities, do not consider voting an important act.  They feel “why should I continue to vote if the government does nothing to uphold the “Civil Rights Act”?  As Americans, it is our responsibility to “hire” politicians who honor the constitution and other forms of legislation.  The lack of gun control in our country must be reformed so we don’t have to constantly remind others that “Black Lives Matter”, instead it should be a given!

In recent months, if nothing else, gun control has given citizens’ a reason to RUN to the polls to vote and urge others to get involved in the next election, myself included. These random massacres---Charleston, Connecticut, Louisiana and the many others--- must be halted with tighter gun control laws. Too many people are abusing their constitutionals right to bear arms and that is a behavior that must be changed. We must make strict changes to the basic right that harms innocent fellow Americans. Our founding fathers never intended for the Second Amendment to lead to the numerous mass shootings by deranged citizens. when they agreed to Americans having the right to “bear arms”.   President Obama is consistently fighting this without bipartisanship support.  The next elected president must be willing to carry the torch, for what the President has started!  WE-MUST-VOTE in order to reduce the number of mass shootings! If not, everyone’s family is equally at risk.

Why Should the Government Put Their Hands in My Dough?

Paying taxes or “giving money to the Uncle Sam” is my responsibility as an American. By no means do I like my $7.25/hr being cut to $6.50, but I know it is my duty is to pay taxes to help make my community better, and to protect my nation.  Indeed, many elected officials abuse the government’s money, “donated” by the people.  However, this should never be seen as a reason for NOT paying one’s fair share of taxes.  For example, if you ever think of what we would NOT have if taxes were unpaid, it would make most people cringe.  National Security is the first thing that comes to my mind! 

Support our Government!

Just as we support our Troops, as citizens, we must support our government leaders, to include the President. If our national and/or local elected officials feel that it is the best interest of our country to do something (for example, the removal of the Confederate flag), we must support him or her. We owe our government officials basic respect and must trust them to lead our country in the best direction.  As an American, we should unite, regardless of party, and make a conscious effort to not revert to social media to comment on EVERYTHING our officials do. We hired them, so we should respect them to fight for us!  This is the main reason for voting, right? So much time is spent tearing down members on both sides of the aisle, that often times not much gets done for the American people! 

All in all, we owe our government a lot more than we think.  You never hear American’s saying, “What are my responsibilities to the government”? Instead, you often hear, “What the government has not done for me!”  America in 2015, let’s act on the commandment given to us by President Kennedy, it is still very applicable!

What are our responsibilities as citizens under the government

As citizens of the United States, we all have responsibilities related to the government. The one that comes to mind first is paying taxes. Everybody must pay taxes on EVERYTHING. Some of the things that taxes go onto, I do not fully agree with. Being nineteen years old, I should not have to pay Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security taxes. I need all the hard earned money I can get. The amount of money I have lost over my years of working is sorta ridiculous. Other responsibilities citizens have are follow federal, state and local laws, we have them for a reason therefor you should abide by them.

What are our responsibilities as citizen to our government

American citizens knows their responsibilities to their government. America citizens believes in democracy which is government for the people, by the people, and with the people. This phrase has been in existence for centuries. As citizens, people believes that the government should be for the people and not against the people. However, some governments have not fulfill the philosophy of standing with the people who elected them in the office. Citizens should take full responsibility such as to enforce the laws of the federal constitution upon government.

Because the government took an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the people, citizens needs to make sure that the government uphold to it. When governments who are corrupt, lie to the people, citizens must make sure they are hold accountability for their actions. For example, in the case of the former  governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell.  Citizens took the responsibility to charge him and his wife, Maureen, for corruption such as taking bribe while in office. The ex governor and his wife accepted  gifts and loans from a wealthy business man called Jonnie Williams. It seems like some of our governments are corrupt, and citizens depends on them in many aspect such as to protect  them.
Bob McDonnell corruption scandal Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell waits in line as he arrives at the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals for a hearing on the appeal of his corruption conviction, in Richmond on May 12, 2015. (Associated Press) **FILE**
If the governments have no regard for the constitutional of the country they served, and takes bribes from the wealthy, it means that they are not trustworthy, therefore, they broke the oath they made which is to preserve, protect, and defend the citizens.

Citizens can take full responsibility to make sure that politicians pays for their crimes just as an average citizen would. Citizens can take actions on this kinds of issue by voting during election, boycott, and rally. It is unconstitutional for politicians to take gifts of any kind while in the office. Citizens needs to voice their opinion in these kinds of issues because it matters a lot. People can not stand still and fold their hands while the government rubbed citizens from their responsibility.  Therefore, citizens wins when government pays for their crimes. Finally, the citizens of Virginia did the right thing by bringing the ex governor of Virginia to justice. Bob McDonnell was sentenced to two years in federal prison and his wife was sentenced to a year and a day in prison. Justice was well served.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Responsibilities as Citizen

Being a responsible citizen in such a freedom based country, America, is important and a detailed concept. America started by citizens that embrace freedom, any goal you want to pursuit, you may go forward with it. Being a responsible citizen shows your dedication for the country that you live in, wanting the country to become better, and overall, enjoying your presence in the country. Voting, drafting into the military if required, and overall respecting the constitution are some of the basics of being a responsible citizen. Growing up in a corrupt, unsure country has shown me how being a responsible citizen can affect a country. Iraq, my home country, has a very unstable government, corrupt leaders, and overall, not a trust able government. The government positions are filled with people who are just in it for the money, not helping one of the first civilizations grow and prosper. Lastly, I want to say no matter what small things you may do to help your country prosper, be happy you live in a country where voting, and serving into the military is not a duty, but a responsibility. America may be one of the best freedom based countries due to concepts the constitution gives you  to make us live free.

Responsibilities as Citizen

Citizens of America,

As you may know the government expects its citizens to have responsibilities. What first comes to mind is paying taxes. Taxes on food, clothes, basically anything you buy. When that house that you bought is finally "paid off"... don't forget you still have to pay taxes.

Although people may not like that their money is coming out of their checks, part of it is for a good cause. I say part because some of the money goes to helping people that do not have a job and don’t want one. Regardless, its goes toward educating the future of America, health care programs for low income families, military for defense of our nation, and many other programs.

These taxes help keep the citizens of America safe. It ensures that each person is able to have assistance if need.

What about the other responsibilities?

 Responsibilities as in following the law. Following rules set for citizens own safety as in traffic signs, alcohol age limit, etc. These laws help define what is right and what is wrong. These laws help keep a norm in society and ensure safety.

When thinking about these rules and regulations, some don't agree with these rules because they are created by people, people who have their own beliefs and opinion. For example, the law that marriage should be between a man and a woman would fall as an opinion.  

The government expects a lot of its citizens just as it citizens expect of the government. To form a strong nation, the government need to ensure its people are willing to take responsibility to keep the nation afloat.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

I'm Here For You Uncle Sam

As a citizen of the United States of America it is my right to give my power to the government. It is also my right to take that power away from the government. We live in a democratic society in which we are governed by the people, for the people and of the people. Honest Abe, who's profile on our penny brings to mind the adage of 'a penny earned is a penny saved. Though in actuality, a penny earned is not a penny saved.

As America draws closer to our next presidential election, I advise you to take heed of the candidates words and actions, past and present so that you may discern their individual intent upon our nation. Remember, "This nation under God"? The nation where we all have liberty and freedom and the right to happiness.Yes, these are our rights as citizens of America. Those are the same freedoms that our elected representatives should uphold for their citizens through our constitution.

America is an amazing country but our country is not flawless in its laws. Some people take no heed to issues and merely wake, work, play, and sleep as our country runs itself. Not bucking the system isn't merely for the daydreamers, it is also for the American that has thrown their hands up in the air. Every once in awhile, the issue of taxes being illegally enforced makes its round amongst the internet media. Uproar does not last, however. Yet, we do not see that portion of our hard earned money before it is automatically rolled over into the abyss of the internal revenue system. Sadly, we don't even get a thank you letter from our great nation. I'm giving my money to Uncle Sam to fund things such as where the poop goes when an airplane is over Alaska and I am not even getting a thank you. Perhaps Sarah has been busy with the kids.

So yippee Skippy, let's work real hard and continue to pay our taxes. What an assault on our freedoms. While I agree that taxes have paid for and support many critical avenues, I find it wasteful to spend sixteen million dollars to aid students from Indonesia to get their master's degrees when I struggle to pay my child's tuition. But before I appear to harsh on our free liberties to pay taxes, allow me to share with you a butterfly dancing, unicorn enchanting place to spend our tax dollars - Grateful Dead tickets. But oh no, not for you. Our government decided that the University of California had to have the ability to digitize for prosperity sake, the Grateful Dead's tickets and concert memorabilia. While this might be a novel idea, there are better prospects I would have chosen for our government to spend my tax dollars on

A penny earned is not a penny saved. Our only responsibilities to our government is to vote, to register for the draft, to serve jury duty, and to obey the laws. Taxes are not mandated in our laws. Yet, the citizens of America must accept the relinquishing of the money we have labored for. You have the power and the ability to do as you please; and it pleases everyone to be directed unlawfully to pay taxes. I'm here for you Uncle Sam.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

My Responsibilities as a Citizen to the Government

As a citizen my responsibilities to my country begin with me being a consumer and buying goods. Not only that, I should also be a producer by having a job, in order to promote the United States economy. Of course I must also follow the laws provided by the government. I Should also vote on the members of government the make those laws, and any other members of government. Lastly, I should help out the community I live in, even if its for my own benefit.

Being a part of a free market economy means the people have control of the market. This means that I have to be a consumer, contributing to the 'food chain' that is our economy. Buying my groceries, a car a home, or anything else I buy makes me a consumer, and by doing so I am providing other citizens jobs. Because if nobody bought what the producers were selling, then they would be out of a job. Which means I should also be a producer, providing people needs and services. In a since being a producer is just giving back to your community, by providing whatever expertise you have to them.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Responsibilities of a citizen

In my opinion the responsibilities of a citizen are to pay taxes , follow the laws giving by the authority and to out help their communities
What do we owe the government
As a Government worker, I feel at most I owe the Government  dedication to serve in my position as a civilian worker.  Report to work on time, and work my designated hours.  No misuse of funds or being deceitful in any way.

As a citizen, I feel I owe the Government taxes as applied by the law.  To live as a law abiding citizen.  Not participate in criminal activity.  Paying taxes allows the Government to build roads, buildings and communities.  The government protects it's citizens with all branches of the military as well as agencies like the NSA, Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, FEMA, The CDC, FDA  Border Patrol, DEA, Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms.  State Government protects by way of law enforcement, the judicial system, welfare agencies and a host of other agencies.  Without any of these agencies, the country could not thrive let alone survive.

Although some disagree with big brother, I shutter to think what this country would be like, if there was no government in place.  Average citizens or militia groups could perform the many tasks, responsibilities or protect the USA without a governing body in place.