I am glad that you have tuned in today to read this blog.
This blog is comprised of several dedicated authors from a diverse background. I come from a low tech family that is trying to keep up with the times. I have never blogged before, I feared it would be too much like a diary. The fault in keeping my own blog and or diary would be that I might just find something about myself that I didn't know or even care to know.
The aim of this blog is to dive deeper into the governments effect on its people. I feel as if this will be directed towards the American government (circa 2015), but we will see where this journey takes us. I am excited to hear from our other authors and comments from all of you lovely readers. Feel free to comment on anybody's blog and join the discussion.
About me:
I work for the so called "Man". I get an inside view that is granted to many in this area but not many in this nation. I unfortunately participate and even sometimes encourage the bureaucracy that rules this nation. Some days it is for the best and some days it wreaks havoc. I try to do the best I can with what I have, that is all I really ask of myself and I hope that is all you can ask of me.
With all due respect,

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