Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Citizens of the United States have several responsibilities. From paying taxes, to voting, jury duty, and being an informed. The first one that every citizen dislikes doing is paying taxes. The amount of taxes that some citizens pay is very surprising. The majority of citizens are not happy with doing their taxes every year. Every 4 years citizens vote for a president. Not every citizen votes in which case do not mind because that is their decision. In the end they should not complain about who becomes president if they did not vote. Every vote counts and your vote may be that one difference. Every citizen has to do jury duty once in their life time. Some of the people I have met are not happy when they have to do jury duty. Me personally, I would not mind doing jury duty. Being an informed citizen in my opinion is important. As a citizen I think you should know what is going on with your government.

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