Thursday, July 30, 2015

Got Tolerance?

Picture is from google.

A couple of days ago I went to visit some friends of mine for a small get together. While the majority of the time we keep our conversations light hearted and superficial, that day was different from the norm (and not in a good way). That day the topic of gay marriage arose. Now I am not homosexual by any means, but I understood this was a sensitive subject for a great deal of individuals. Listening to the conversation that had unfolded before me I couldn’t help but be enraged at how closed minded some people could be. The topic about gay adoption came up and it was surprising how many of them felt that gay individuals should not be allowed to adopt in case they “turned kids into being gay” as though gay people had a magical touch that could instantly turn you gay with one touch. They then went on to say that they felt gay marriage should not be allowed in the first place and that they should not teach about transgendered people in grade school because they did not want to see it and they didn’t want their kids to be introduced to that matter either. I have never disliked someone as fast as I did have that one conversation. I understand that everyone has their own opinions but I just was taught growing up that everyone should be treated the same and no matter what.
Merriam Webster defines tolerance as the “willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own.” However being tolerant does not mean agreeing with what everyone else believes. You are entitled to your opinion and I can respect that. Now I understand everyone has different views about gay marriage and being transgender. However, I would like to mention that I completely disagree with people who are against it. I can say I don’t treat ignorant people any different then I treat other people. This is me being tolerant of them so I just don’t understand how an individual cannot be tolerant of something someone cannot control. All anyone can truly ask for is for you to understand how people feel and feel empathy towards them even though you don't agree with their opinion However, if there is a fact to back up a certain point of view, I believe you should enlighten others. For example, humans need to consume food in order to live. Even if I believe we don’t, there are still facts that prove that you will die of malnutrition if you do not eat. It's the same with gay rights. The fact is that you should have the same rights as everyone else no matter what your gender or your gender preference is. If a homosexual wants to get married they should be able to because it is not your right to stop them from their basic civil rights. At one point it time it was illegal to marry a colored individual if you were caucasian. While I tolerate others opinion, I think more people need to be educated and this will set the ignorance free.


  1. If they do not teach their children at home, someone would. I do not support or oppose to LGBT. However, I do not discriminate against them. I treat them with respect as individuals. Some people dislike them for whatever reasons but if they take their time to get to know people despite of their sexual preference, race, and religion. They would learn a lot from that individual.

  2. I really like this and it is true how some people can be really close-minded. I also believe that everyone should tolerate other opinions even if they do not agree with them. Many are ignorant and believe that having gay parents produce gay children which is not the case as you said. Education at young age might be the key to rid ignorance. As you say, "people need to be educated and this will set the ignorance free."

  3. I really like this and it is true how some people can be really close-minded. I also believe that everyone should tolerate other opinions even if they do not agree with them. Many are ignorant and believe that having gay parents produce gay children which is not the case as you said. Education at young age might be the key to rid ignorance. As you say, "people need to be educated and this will set the ignorance free."
