Monday, July 27, 2015

Responsibilities as Citizen

Being a responsible citizen in such a freedom based country, America, is important and a detailed concept. America started by citizens that embrace freedom, any goal you want to pursuit, you may go forward with it. Being a responsible citizen shows your dedication for the country that you live in, wanting the country to become better, and overall, enjoying your presence in the country. Voting, drafting into the military if required, and overall respecting the constitution are some of the basics of being a responsible citizen. Growing up in a corrupt, unsure country has shown me how being a responsible citizen can affect a country. Iraq, my home country, has a very unstable government, corrupt leaders, and overall, not a trust able government. The government positions are filled with people who are just in it for the money, not helping one of the first civilizations grow and prosper. Lastly, I want to say no matter what small things you may do to help your country prosper, be happy you live in a country where voting, and serving into the military is not a duty, but a responsibility. America may be one of the best freedom based countries due to concepts the constitution gives you  to make us live free.

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean, exactly, when you say being an American is a detailed concept? I like how you juxtapose growing up in Iraq with the life you now have in America. I would argue that even in America, there are plenty of politicians who are in politics for the money; the connections they make with lobbyists during and after their tenures can reflect that as well.

    I'd also note here that because we have a volunteer military force, service to America in the military is not a requirements but an option. That, in and of itself, might be a huge element of "freedom."
