We have many responsibilities to the government. One responsibility to the government, which is one I am not fully for is to pay taxes.
In my opinion, I feel like paying taxes is one responsibility that breaks my heart. I work almost everyday of the week and at least 100 of my dollars is taken out to pay taxes. My hard earned money is used to pay taxes for the workers to work on the road, for social security and for Medicare and Medicaid.
These things are wonderful, but as a young person working I would like to see some of my hard earn money, I don't want to use it to pay for road work and social security. My mom always says when your older the young people your age will be saying the same thing. Yet, I am young and I don't want to give up my a sum of my money. I know that If i refuse to pay some of my taxes I can be taken to jail. So everything I check my direct deposit, I sob a little and allow them to take out the money from my check.
In my opinion, I feel like there should be an age like there is to drink and smoke that's in law that says, " At this age.... you must start to pay taxes." At 21 you should start to pay taxes.
Another responsibility to the government is to obey the laws, especially the speed limit. In my personal opinion the speed light is here for a suggestion. I always use to say "some rules are meant to be broken." My mom is such a worry wart and she says the one day I get a ticket for speeding will be the last day I am driving. She said she would take my license away. I think it's a joke; but I know my mom she is really serious.
Speeding isn't good and can cause some serious accidents. I haven't been in one myself but one day as my mom will say if I don't start following the rules my time will come.
A last responsibility of our government would be if you a subpoenaed to go to court, you must come. It doesn't matter if you do not want to go or you don't feel like going. Court is a must. Failure to appear in the courtroom will result in your arrest.
Wow--this is an interesting post. Don't you travel on those roads? Use them to go to school, to shop, to work? Isn't that age 18 or whenever you start to work? I think the idea is that if you're old enough to be responsible and work, you're old enough to pay into the society. Think about it--when I was younger (say my 20s and 30s), I paid taxes through property taxes that went to local schools systems. I didn't have my daughter until 37. So I invested 10 years of property and sales taxes into your education. So when you're old enough, you give back, too. I know it sucks to see so much money going out of your paycheck--and of course we can argue about how that money is spent. But just think about how these works benefit you. An educated population will benefit me when I'm retired and your money helps take care of me and those around my old age!