Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Intro to Blogging

Hello, my name is Steve and I am an International Studies major at the Virginia Military Institute, and will be commissioning in the Army upon graduation. I love traveling, I have lived overseas and had the opportunity to experience many different cultures all over the world. I have done blogging in the past as a requirement for a previous writing course, but not in any serious capacity.  My current opinion on our topic of Government and the People is that there is currently a very unhealthy relationship between the U.S. Government and its citizens.  Compared to previous periods in American history, citizens have become increasingly critical of politicians and government in general, and there is a distinct lack of politicians with strong moral fiber who are able to connect with the American people.  There is a mutual lack to trust exhibited by both citizens and government that has steadily increased over the past few decades, and it slows the political process significantly.

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